PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

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PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Company Intro

Perjalanan panjang BCA selama 60 tahun, selalu berusaha menjadi #lebihbaik memberikan layanan jasa dan produk perbankan demi kepuasan nasabah dan turut berperan aktif membangun bangsa. BCA Senantiasa di Sisi Anda


Financial Services

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Headquaters

Menara BCA

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Share price

17 May 2023 14:17 GMT


75.0 (0.86 %)

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Market cap

$1.081.738 T



PT Bank Central Asia Tbk # 1


Latest PT Bank Central Asia Tbk News

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WMC Market Score

WMC Market to Revenue Score

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Market Financials

Revenue, Expenses, Profit

Company Currency Revenue Expense Profit Market Cap WMC Sector Score
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk USD $76,392,570,000 N/A $27,589,700,000 N/A 1
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft EUR €25,105,000 N/A €1,374,000 €216,170B 2
Truist Financial Corporation USD $22,576,000 N/A $4,532,000 $374,250B 3
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. USD $17,416,000 N/A $5,613,000 $460,390B 4
Ftb USD $7,243,000 N/A $1,961,000 $166,440B 5

Market Analytics

Company Search vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

Total PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Social Followers vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Post vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Digital Footprint By Size vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Digital Footprint By Change Rate vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk WMC Market Score Calculations

Details Revenue Total Social Followers Total Social Posts Search Volume Digital Footprint Size Digital change (New Pages) WMC Market Score
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 100 0.00 0 90 0 0 33.72
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 0.04 100 100 68 0 0 100
Truist Financial Corporation 0.03 0 0 100 0 0 37.33
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. 0.02 26.98 20.40 0 0 0 17.69
Ftb 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0

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